Mthashana College
Project Status: Various Stages
Project Duration: Ongoing
Project Cost: R150M
During 2020, following a comprehensive procurement process, AFI Consult was appointed as the Preferred Service Provider by the College Principal on behalf of the Department of Higher Education and Training, Kwa-Zulu Natal.
The Scope of Work included Architectural Engineering and Quantity Surveying services for the refurbishment and upgrading of the various Campuses.

Work commenced in all earnest, with a conditional assessment of the 7 campuses located in the northern parts of the KZN Province. These included campuses at:
Vryheid Business
Vryheid Engineering

It was soon discovered that very limited information is available pertaining to the existing infrastructure at the various campuses resulting into an amendment of the strategy to collect as-built information. These included drone footage, topographical surveys, and the development of a digital assessment platform to ease the task. Various statutory shortfalls were also identified as part of the assessment.
In July 2021, a comprehensive Condition Assessment Report was published to guide the Employer with his budgetary process for the refurbishment and upgrading of the various campuses. Work to the value of R150 million has been identified and categorized into essential, moderate and preventative phases. The Department, also since adoption of the Report, committed to the recommendations resulting into various projects being rolled out currently.
Recently, the Scope of Work was also extended to include disability and security infrastructure. One of the key priority areas at AFI to generate new work, is extension of existing appointments by Employers who is satisfied. In this instance, we are extremely proud of our contribution on this project as well as the Employer’s awarding of additional work.